Monday, November 18, 2013

Immune System Cake!

Delicious and effective at combating pathogens!  The triangle in the upper left is a splinter that's broken the skin (yellow horizontal line).  The green dots around the splinter are incoming bacteria.  Look closely and you'll also find cytotoxic T cells, neutrophils, antibodies, macrophages, and more!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Introducing Elements, our new science research journal

Are you curious about:
           How to make airplane wings or solar panels more efficient?
           Sources of air pollution at Catlin?
           How neurons in the nose are connected to each other?
           How your socks may be contributing to the degradation of local water ecosystems?

Find out more about these and other burning questions in Elements, Catlin's new student science research journal.

Thank you to all the contributors!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

World Water Week in Stockholm

Use of Sulfidation As a Novel Method for Reducing the Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticle Pollution

Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria at the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Ceremony 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rocket Launch

The US Science Research class recently took advantage of our lovely spring weather (and lack of wind) to launch the rockets they built.  This is a model of the V2 rocket, the grandparent of them all (and can you spot the little itty bitty rocket in the photo?):

Monday, February 4, 2013

Science Bowl 2013

At Saturday's BPA Regional Science Bowl competition, 66 from schools all over Oregon and Washington battled for the top place.  We're proud of all the students who participated on Catlin's three teams this year; it was really neat to have so many students participate! 
Special congratulations to this gang who finished in 2nd place overall, losing only their final bout: 

photo credit: BPA