Submitted by Yelena, class of 2012:
Recent studies have shown that cocaine addiction, which is usually difficult to treat as there are no specific drug therapies, could potentially be fought through a simple vaccination. Researchers from the Weill Cornell Medical Center revealed that a vaccine injected into normal, healthy mice resulted in less hyperactivity after ingesting cocaine.
The vaccine is made up of elements that are similar to those of the virus responsible for the common cold. It is additionally linked to a chemical that is also similar to the structure of cocaine. It works by creating a strong immune response that would potentially destroy a large part of the drug before it reaches prime centers of the brain and is able to cause serious damage.
This breakthrough could prove be a very helpful for people that already suffer from an addiction to cocaine, regardless how prevalent. The vaccine would decrease the effects of the drug on a person; so taking it would cease to be enjoyable. Furthermore, of many previous attempts of creating immunity to cocaine this is the first that will not require extensive preparation so there is a good chance that it will quickly move on to human trials.
full article: http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-rodent-20110107,0,4913014.story
photo credit: http://www.patientpowernow.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/lab-mouse.jpg
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